“ I adored this book. I found it so personal, the lines between memoir and fiction beautifully blurring in a way reminiscent of Memoirs of a Geisha. I was completely transported to Hong Kong, a place I dearly love.
Iris Mir takes the reader on a journey of heart break, love and finding oneself, through friendships, lovers and a deep soul connection with a people and culture she clearly holds close to her heart. Stunning. ”
Una novela sobre Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
“Cuando salgas, encuéntrate con gente honorable” 出路遇貴人
Una chica mediterránea se traslada a vivir a Hong Kong en plena treintena, donde es acogida por la honorable comunidad de vecinos del tradicional barrio de Sham Shui Po.
De su mano, descubre el verdadero significado de la esperanza en un entorno donde la imaginación y los sueños por una vida mejor han guiado las decisiones de los habitantes de Hong Kong y sus antecesores.
La Mansión al Sur de la Calle de los Arces expone la pluralidad de identidades y experiencias existenciales que conviven en Hong Kong y que demuestran la complejidad de la que se compone la vida del emigrante.
Inspirada en hechos reales, esta novela íntima descubre un Hong Kong que, al igual que la protagonista, se está buscando a sí mismo.
A través de la voz de la narradora y de las historias de los vecinos de Sham Shui Po, Iris Mir explora el valor de cuestionar mundos y posibilidades para inventar y dar forma a transgresoras opciones de futuro que se erigen como alternativas a una verdad finita.
A novel about Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
“When you go out, meet with honourable people” 出路遇貴人
A thirty-something Mediterranean woman moves to Hong Kong, where she is welcomed by the honourable community of residents of the traditional neighbourhood of Sham Shui Po. Through them, she discovers the true meaning of hope in an environment where imagination and the dreams of a better life have influenced the choices of the people of Hong Kong and their ancestors.
The Mansion South of Maple Street exposes the plurality of identities and the existential experiences that coexist in Hong Kong and which demonstrate the complexities of life as an immigrant.
Inspired by true events, this intimate novel reveals a Hong Kong that, like the protagonist herself, is trying to find itself.
Through the voice of the narrator and the stories of the residents of Sham Shui Po, Iris Mir explores the value of questioning worlds and possibilities in order to invent and shape transgressive options for the future that stand as alternatives to a finite truth.
passing guest (ENGLISH, 2021)
Stories on Love, Kindness and Hope
Would you have a conversation about love with a random stranger if you had the chance? Have you ever wondered what they would tell you?
In this collection of short stories, Iris Mir imagines what the futures of random bystanders on the streets would look like if they had the chance to experience love in a new way; one of compassion and kindness toward others. With this in mind, she writes their dreamed stories honouring their experience, their voice and the reason their hypothetical love-experience would matter to our communities. Their imaginary stories become a reminder of the importance of many small human acts of kindness that are integral to our survival, and are being eroded as a result of our increasingly fragmented and polarised societies.
Passing Guest takes the form of a set of fictional short stories led by an imaginary character, a woman, who embodies eight enigmas of love, kindness and hope. She sets herself on a quest that takes her to Hong Kong, South Korea, North Korea and neighbouring mainland China, The Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Uganda, Senegal, and the cities of London and Barcelona.
As she tries to find her answers, she transports herself to different universes, possibilities of being and seeing, and ultimately of finding love. Soon she discovers that who she is (and who we are) can only be answered by the magic of love, which is as beautifully unique as every single one of us who makes up our diverse humanity.